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A M D C  Rules & Regulations

*We hope you understand that our yearly price adjustments are essential to keep up with increasing costs while maintaining the quality of our service/products. Thank you for your ongoing support and loyalty. 

* Once you are registered with Artists in Motion Dance Center, you agreed to adhere to the rules & regulations listed below.

Tuition / Payments 

Tuition is to be paid by the 10th of each month.Tuition must be paid by the second class of the month. If a month has 3 full classes - you will be charged for the entire month. Tuition ONLY gets deducted if a student registers at the end of the month. We accept cash, credit card, check, Venmo, and Apple Pay. 


If a dancer has an outstanding balance for 3+ months, the dancer is not allowed back in class. 


**AMDC Teachers & Directors reserve the right to deny or withdraw any student from class/performing; whether it be at recital or competition due to inappropriate behavior, excessive absences, or for non-payment of tuition, costumes, or any other outstanding balance. We understand that some things are uncontrollable and sometimes money can be tight, but PLEASE speak to us about it. We will do anything in our power to help and can set up a payment plan that works for you. 


  • Any person who has an outstanding balance will NOT be allowed to buy/pickup recital tickets until the balance is paid. 

  • Tuition only gets deducted if a student registers at the end of the month.

  • No tuition deduction or refunds if a student misses class/quarantine.

  • No Tuition deduction for holiday vacations.

  • Tuition is Non-Refundable & Non-Transferable. 

  • Registration Fee is non refundable. 

  • Costumes are non refundable. 

  • There is a $20 fee for returned checks. 

  • Siblings: The first child is full price, the second receives $10 off their tuition, the 3rd receives $20, etc. 

  • There is a 4 student minimum per group class. **Classes and Teachers are subject to change and drop. 

  • Parents have the option to pay for ½ the year ( 5% discount ) OR the full year (10% discount)


Out of respect for teachers and other students, attendance is mandatory once your child is registered for class. We understand that some things are uncontrollable and there may be a time when a student is not able to come to class. Please call the studio/email to let the teacher/director know in advance. Respect our time at AMDC and let us know that your child will be absent. 


**However, if a teacher/director feels a student has missed too many classes it may result in your child getting cut from a piece or having a very little part in the routine. Routines are choreographed based on the number of students in class, and teachers cannot wait until the last minute to adjust numbers, especially those going to competitions. 


No Bully Zone

 AMDC will not tolerate bullying in any form; physical, emotional, social or otherwise. As such, we have implemented a Zero Tolerance Bullying Policy. Since our goal is to empower people and embrace individuality, one documented bullying event will have repercussions, which may include immediate termination of enrollment. AMDC recognizes that bullying does not just occur between students. Parents or guardians who witnessed bullying or harassing another student, parent, or AMDC staff member, should speak up immediately. We want to create a positive and safe environment for everyone.

Registration, Recital & Costumes



Registration Fee is $50 (locks your spot in for the entire year)

Registration Fee is mandatory and non refundable. 

When you register, you will receive a Registration Number. This number will determine the order in which you select your seats for the 2023 Artists in Motion Dance Recital. 

  • ** We will NOT distribute tickets if you have any outstanding balances (Registration Fee, Tuition Fee, Costumes Balances/Deposits and or any other fee) Tickets go on sale in May. 

  • **When the recital date is announced - please let us know if you cannot attend IMMEDIATELY.

  • Costumes are non refundable. 


Early Bird Discount

The 1st week of registration is always discounted  ($40 Registration Fee for Season 6) 

* Some Classes fill up quickly - we highly suggest you register as soon as possible. 

* Don't forget to purchase our FREE TUITION raffle. Enter for the chance to win FREE TUITION for the entire 2023-2024 season. Raffles are $5 each and $20 for five raffles. 

* Schedule is subject to change 

NEW: Referral Reward for 2024/2025 Season: 

Parents who refer new students to the studio (new students MUST register) receive $30 OFF their next month's tuition. Receive $30 off for every person you refer. 


Every student registered for a recital class MUST have the same costume/shoes/accessories/tights in order to be in the June recital. No exceptions. It is assumed that if you're registered for a Recital Class you will participate in recital. Please let us know if you do not want to be part of our annual recital. 


If you decide that you do not want your child in the recital but would love to continue taking classes at AMDC, please let us know immediately upon registering (or within the first few weeks of your first class) . COSTUMES ARE NON REFUNDABLE. 

Lobby / Studio Rules 

Please respect all students, staff, parents and guests at AMDC. This is our home and we love and value everyone here. Any misconduct or inappropriate behavior of any kind will not be tolerated at AMDC. 



  • Please clean up after you eat/drink anything in the lobby. We have trash bins in the lobby and inside the studio. Let’s keep our home clean. 

  • Please do not walk behind the desk or have your children walk behind the desk. If you would like a snack or drink, we will gladly get it for you. 

  • Out of respect - If you are watching a video on your device, or receive a phone call, please put on headphones or speak at lower volume. Our lobby is small and any loud noises can be distracting to our students/staff. 

  • Hand sanitizers are provided throughout the lobby/ studio - feel free to use them anytime. 




- NO parents allowed in the studio while classes are in session. We will periodically invite parents into the classroom to watch their children dance. We want to make sure your child and their teacher respectively have their time together. 

- Absolutely NO RECORDING classes, students, teachers while classes are in session without the teacher and director’s permission. We strongly and strictly encourage this rule at AMDC. 

- No street shoes on the dance floor. 

- Please, DO NOT sit on the Acro mats inside the studio. 

- If parents have to use the restroom while a class is in session they may quietly pass the studio room and walk down to the bathroom. 

- Children get distracted very easily, please respect our students and teachers while classes are in session.  




- Students are to leave their belongings in the dance studio while classes are in session.

- Students are not permitted to enter the lobby for water breaks or to change their shoes. Students must remain in the studio during the entire class. 

- If a student wants to buy a drink/snack, they are to do so BEFORE/AFTER class or during their class break. 

- DO NOT BE LATE. Teachers usually wait a few minutes for the class to get settled before they start their class. Anything more than 10 min late will not be acceptable at AMDC.

Student Dress Code 

Artists in Motion does not have a uniform, but we expect a level of professionalism in class. We strongly believe that when your children look professional, they feel and act professional in class.


Student Dress Code

  • NO JEANS, denim jackets, or denim of any kind in class

  • NO large jewelry

  • NO combat boots, heels, or platform shoes 

  • NO clothing that has exposed zippers/buckles 

  • NO inappropriate graphics/wording on clothing of any kind 

  • NO outerwear ( jackets, coats, etc). If students are cold during class they may temporarily wear a sweater/sweatshirt. 

  • The dancer should not have to keep adjusting their clothing because it’s coming up/falling down while dancing. Please wear clothing that fits properly. You should feel comfortable while dancing! 

** ALL DANCE Shoes & COSTUMES  MUST be ordered at Artists in Motion Dance Center. We will place an order at the beginning of the year for the proper shoes/attire your child will need for class, recital and/or competition. 

Ballet & Tap : ALL Classes Ages 3 - 7

  • Hair MUST be pulled back and away from the face for all students. 

  • Ballet & Tap shoes, tights, leotard, skirt / tutu, ballet dresses (with built in briefs or shorts), leggings, tshirts. 


Ballet & Tap : Ages 9+

  • Hair MUST be pulled back and away from the face for all students. 

  • Ballet & Tap shoes, tights, leotard, skirt / tutu, leggings, tanks, etc


Jazz - Tap - Lyrical : ALL Classes Ages 5+ 

  • Hair MUST be pulled back and away from the face for all students. 

  • Jazz shoes / tap shoes, Leggings, shorts, tight fitting sweatpants/joggers, tank top, sports bras, tight fitting t-shirts / long sleeve t-shirts


Hip Hop: All Classes Ages 6+

  • Hair MUST be pulled back and away from the face for all students. 

  • Sneakers suitable for dance, sweatpants, joggers, leggings, shorts, tshirts, tanks, sweatshirts, etc. More loose fitting clothing is acceptable for this class. 


Acro: ALL Classes 

  • Hair MUST be pulled back and away from the face for all students. Your child can’t see when their flipping upside down and their hair gets in their face. 

  • Bare feet suggested, tight fitting clothing / unitard, leggings, shorts, tanks, T-shirts. 

*By enrolling your child in classes at Artists in Motion Dance Center, parents acknowledge and agree that the studio, its instructors, and staff are not liable for any injuries, accidents, or damages that may occur during dance or acro classes. Parents understand that participation in dance and acro activities involves inherent risks, and they waive any claims against Artists in Motion Dance Center for such incidents. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure their child's readiness for physical activity and to provide any necessary medical information or accommodations.*




Both Dancer & Parent must sign the Dance Company Contract in order to be part of the team. This contract states all information regarding the current season, dance company rules & regulations, and any important competition dates. Dance Company Levels will be divided based on age,  technique, ability, attitude, maturity, and overall motivation. ALL Dance Company members (Mini, Junior, Teen & Seniors) must re-audition every season. 



All classes  & competitions are mandatory. 

Dancers are required to attend every class. Dancers are allowed 6 absences for the entire season (September-June).  Attending all classes ensures that dancers receive consistent training, develop proper technique, and maintain their physical and mental readiness for performance. If dancers are frequently absent, it can be challenging for the choreographer to modify the routine or fill in gaps in the formation. 

Consistent attendance helps to build a cohesive routine, promotes teamwork and trust, and shows respect to the team and choreographer/teacher. If a dancer has missed too many classes they will either be removed from a routine or no longer be allowed on the team. 



Our Team competes in a total of 4 competitions every year:

3 Regional & 1 National. 


Mandatory to attend every competition. No exceptions. 


Competitions for the entire season are selected in September/October and are mandatory to attend. The entire team agrees on which competitions we’re attending for the season. If a dancer cannot attend a competition after agreed dates, the entire team will not attend. If a dancer does not attend a pre-selected competition without a valid reason (medical or an emergency), they will no longer be allowed on the team. 

Each competing routine receives 1 hour of Rehearsal each week. The number of group routines vary each season.

718 366 2212

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62-19 Myrtle Ave

Glendale, New York


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